What can we learn from Delta’s IT outage?

Companies can pay a hefty sum if they ever experience any downtime. In fact, Delta Air Lines had a bad bout of severe downtime ...

These tips help enhance your Powerpoint skills

It’s normal for us to utilize whatever tools we can to make things a little easier. Wanting to use tech to make presentations ...

Ready, set, update: iOS 10 release scheduled

Although they may not garner the fervor of hardware releases and refreshes, iOS updates still manage to bring even the most casual ...

LinkedIn Alumni improves how you network

Aside from having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, there seems to be more waiting around than getting job interviews or receiving ...

Citrix’s XenApp gets a cloud boost from Azure

Microsoft’s Azure and Citrix’s XenApp have done a lot to move virtualization services into the mainstream over the years. So, ...

New features in Office 365

Microsoft’s Office 365 platform isn’t one of the most popular productivity suites in the world by luck. The company’s expertise ...