iPhone XS: Its pros and cons

Nearly a year after releasing the iPhone X, Apple announced that it’ll discontinue it. Instead, they released the iPhone XS and XS Max. How do Apple’s latest smartphones stack up to their previous releases? Let’s look closely at the pros and cons of the iPhone XS.

Like most Apple smartphones, the iPhone XS is expensive, especially when compared to other smartphones.

Choosing between iPhone X and iPhone 8 Plus

The iPhone X may have the upper hand on paper, but picking it over the iPhone 8 Plus could mean paying for more features you’ll never use. This is why it’s important to know your priorities before buying a new phone. Which iPhone better suits your needs?
Being the higher end model, the iPhone X is more expensive than the iPhone 8 Plus, with a price difference of at least $200. But that doesn’t mean the iPhone X is the all around better option.

What’s new for macOS Mojave?

MacOS Mojave is the newest addition to Apple’s long list of operating system updates, as announced on June 4, 2018. And like its predecessors, the new OS comes packed with a bunch of great new features. Here are five of them.
Dark Mode
Did you ever wish your computer windows were not just plain ole white? If yes, you’re in for a treat.

“Black Dot” crashes iOS messaging app

An emoji encrypted with a series of hidden codes has been reported to disable and crash the messaging apps of Apple Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Read on to discover how you can address this problem before it does severe damage to your device.

What is going on?
A bug, known as "Black Dot,” is locking the messaging app on Apple devices running iOS 11.3 and 11.4 beta with Apple TVs and Apple Watches also at risk.