When a power outage occurs, smart business owners use an emergency power system to keep workstations from suddenly shutting down. This prevents data loss and keeps computers operational. Connecting your networking equipment to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system will also keep your employees productive during a power outage.
Will you put UPS in your network equipment?
5 tips on keeping mobile workers connected
Top 4 reasons for lagging mobile internet
Fed up with your phone because of its slow internet speed? Before you rush off to the nearest electronic store to purchase a new one, take a look at these four reasons why your phone’s internet is slow.
Router location
One simple yet overlooked reason why your WiFi-connected phone may be experiencing internet lag is because of your router’s location.
KRACK patch on macOS High Sierra
Together with a new batch of emojis, the latest macOS update comes with security, stability, and reliability improvements. As usual, Apple recommends that Mac users update to macOS 10.13.1 High Sierra, and with good reason: It includes an essential patch to the recently discovered WiFi security vulnerability, KRACK.
Why you should update now
Foremost on Apple’s list of macOS updates is the addition of 70 new emojis.